Dr. Kirichuk selects the best New Zealand organic grapes for her famous Red Grape Tonic

All Natural-New Zealand-Dr Kirichuk's-Red-Grape-Tonic

Dr Kirichuk’s Rejuvenate&Detox Red Grape Tonic was recognised as one the best New Zealand products at the New Zealand Brands International Festival which took place from 1 to 10 October in Tianhe, Guangzhou, China.

Dr Kirichuk’s Rejuvenate&Detox Red Grape Tonic – unique natural formula for replenishing human body needs in bionutrients. The tonic is rich with natural antioxidants (most importantly, resveratrols), polyphenols, enzymes, vitamins, microelements – vitally important bionutrients extracted from top quality organically grown New Zealand red grapes by maceration. The composition is infused with herbal adaptogenic formula which acts as an Anti-ageing agent.

The science has proven the huge health benefits of antioxidants.

One of the best sources of antioxidants is red grapes. The problem is that no human is able to eat the quantity of raw red grapes required to satisfy the daily bodily needs for antioxidants. The pills containing red grape extract in dry form is not a solution either, as only no more than 10% of this form of antioxidants can be absorbed by the digestive system. Some people try to solve this problem by drinking red wine, however, are poor in antioxidants but “rich” in harmful additives such as sulphites and others.

Dr Kirichuk’s Rejuvenate&Detox Red Grape Tonic is the best, easiest and the most efficient way to supplement your vitally important body needs with antioxidants and other bionutrients. It is the best alternative to red wine and pills containing red grape extract, because it contains high concentration of natural antioxidants easily absorbed by your body. The small dosage of the Tonic taken daily fully supplements the body needs in the valuable antioxidants and other bionutrients. Dr Kirichuk’s unique botanical adaptogenic formulation infused into the Tonic multiplies the beneficial effects and acts as an effective Anti-ageing agent.


  • Helps to counteract the harmful effects of any kind of environmental contamination
  • Intensifies toxins’ elimination
  • Helps to rejuvenate and purify blood vessels
  • Helps to improve skin appearance
  • Improves athletic performance & speeds up post-workout recovery
  • Helps to reinforce brain function
  • Assists with stress relief and better sleep

Dr Kirichuk handcrafts Rejuvenate&Detox Red Grape Tonic in small batches in the pristine green and clean spray-free Puhoi Valley located in New Zealand. The grapes are squeezed by hands only. No artificial ingredients or additives are used in the manufacturing process.

Unlike most manufacturers of the red grape extract related products, Dr Kirichuk does not use the wastage of winemaking industry, but the selected ripe organic New Zealand grown red grapes of the top quality. In order to extract the goodness of the red grapes, Dr Kirichuk uses the best natural extractor – premium quality alcohol distilled from New Zealand red dry wine (Spiritus Vini) by the Puhoi Organic Distillery owned by Dr Kirichuk’s family. Presence of this type of alcohol protects and preserves the beneficial properties of antioxidants and other bionutrients substantially prolongs the shelf life of the Tonic. Moreover, this type of alcohol (Spiritus Vini) is the best carrier of antioxidants and other bionutrients to the body cells.

Store away from direct sunlight. Natural sediment may occur during storage – indication of authenticity and the natural character of the product.

Serve chilled. Recommended daily dosage: 30 ml after dinner.

For adults only.

To purchase Dr Kirichuk’s Rejuvenate&Detox Red Grape Tonic, please proceed to our online store

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