Puhoi Starka (750ml 38% ABV) non-filtered

$125.00 inc. GST

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Puhoi Starka is our Master Distiller’s remake of old-fashioned Vodka which was famous among the Polish, Ukrainian and Lithuanian noblemen. Starka was the Eastern European response to such spirits like brandy and whiskey, both of which were simply barrel-aged alcohol. Starka was much more sophisticated and complicated in creation. Each nobleman’s estate which produced Starka for their master, had their own secret recipe for their Starka, but all Starkas had a few features in common: only high-quality alcohol was used and only natural ingredients were added, such as linden-tree, apple-tree and pear-tree leaves. Starka was the only Vodka aged in barrels.

Starka is a very aromatic vodka, very smooth and pleasantly bitter.

With all the due respect to the old traditional recipes, Puhoi Organic Distillery has invented our own secret recipe of Starka, which, on top of the traditional ingredients and technologies, employs the modern knowledge of Natural Adaptogens.

Our Master Distiller keeps his secrets close to his chest, however, we can reveal some details about Puhoi Starka: an elegant vodka with the natural dark amber colour (no caramel added), rested in oak barrels specially treated with Manuka honey and some other bee products. Puhoi Starka is a bespoke product which we handcraft in several variations according to the preferences of our customers. Some variations contain, among other ingredients, native New Zealand herbs, such as Kawakawa, Horopito, etc. Some of our customers prefer non-filtered Puhoi Starka with its characteristic natural sediment, while others prefer it filtered. Both options are top-quality products. All Puhoi Starka variations are produced in very small batches and Limited Editions.

Your taste buds will be pleasantly surprised, especially if you are a brandy, whiskey or vodka lover, as Puhoi Starka combines all the best features of these spirits and has its own unique character.

We do not want to make our customers wait for ten years before their batch of Puhoi Starka is matured in oak, and that is why we use very small barrels (5 to 10 litres) made of American or Ukrainian oak which make the process of maturing much faster.

Puhoi Starka is becoming an iconic product of our Distillery, as everyone who tried it, loved it.

We recommend to have our Puhoi Starka straight either at room temperature or chilled, as it is a perfect sipping spirit, however, we are already aware of several great exotic cocktails already invented based on Puhoi Starka.

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