PROPOLIS – Nature’s true gift for your health


Propolis – the most powerful natural antibiotic

  • Legendary time-tested defensive properties
  • Unique New Zealand Propolis is the world’s best
  • Dr Kirichuk’s Propolis comes from Manuka bush in spray-free Puhoi area in NZ
  • Importance of Propolis for the human health: serious weapon against the Superbug (including MRSA)
  • Specialist-made in New Zealand by Dr Kirichuk (MD)
  • Handcrafted in small batches
  • Natural, chemical and synthetic-free
  • Contains 22 nutrients required for perfect health
  • Powerful Anti-inflammatory, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-viral and Anti-cancer properties
  • Multi-functional cells’ regeneration action
  • Can be used both externally and internally


Legendary time-tested defensive properties

This sticky, brown substance is collected by honeybees from tree buds. Propolis has been used for 65 million years by the bees to prevent diseases and parasites from entering the hive, and to inhibit fungal and bacterial growth. This is exactly what allowed the bees to survive for just as long, while many other species became extinct. The name of Propolis comes from the Greek word meaning “defence the city”.

Unique New Zealand Propolis is the world’s best

All varieties of Propolis have strong medicinal properties, however, only unique New Zealand Propolis contains Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE). It is known to have antimitogenic, anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties. New Zealand Propolis also contains nine vitally important flavanoids not contained in the Propolis from other countries. Of course, New Zealand Propolis is the most expensive, however, Dr Kirichuk uses only top quality local Propolis collected by trusted bee-keepers.

Dr Kirichuk’s Propolis comes from Manuka bush in spray-free Puhoi area in New Zealand

The composition of New Zealand Propolis also varies from district to district, and spray-free area in Puhoi surrounded by native Manuka bush is one of the best sources for Propolis. Indeed, Puhoi is known as the “bees’ paradise”, as Puhoi Valley is well protected from strong winds by the surrounding hills covered by the wild multiflora and native bush. The local Council forbids using pesticides and other chemicals in Puhoi area – it is the only official “spray-free” area in New Zealand.

Importance of Propolis for human health: serious weapon against the Superbug (including MRSA)

Propolis is recognized as a powerful, all-natural protector which viruses and bacteria have been unable to become resistant to.

Propolis does not cause addiction and has no side effects. This makes Propolis a unique medicine, which also can be used safely along with other prescribed medication.

Unlike honey Propolis cannot be consumed by humans directly in its natural form. Therefore it is very important to choose the correct method of extracting bio active ingredients from raw Propolis.  In every official Pharmacopeia Ethanol (potable high strength alcohol) mixed in certain proportion with water is prescribed as the best extractor for manufacturing Traditional Propolis Extract (Lat. Extract Propolis Spirituosum).

Specialist-made in New Zealand by Dr Kirichuk (MD)

Dr Kirichuk’s Traditional Propolis Extract is made by the classic recipe and technology described in European and British Pharmacopeias. According to the Pharmacopeias’ recommendations, 15% of Propolis and 85% of alcohol/water mixture is the best combination for both internal and external use.

Dr Kirichuk’s Traditional Propolis Extract is 100% natural.

Contains NO preservatives, essential oils, artificial flavours or colours.

Active Natural Ingredients:

  • Highest quality hand selected New Zealand Bee Propolis 15%
  • Food grade alcohol 70% ABV (Spiritus Vini)
  • Untreated artesian water 15%

Handcrafted in small batches

This limited edition product contains only the best ingredients: local Puhoi hand-collected raw Propolis, high quality organic food grade alcohol distilled by Puhoi Organic Distillery from New Zealand organic Shiraz wine and untreated artesian water carbon dated 8000 years taken from 221 meter depth bore owned by Kirichuk family.

Natural, chemical and synthetic-free

This unique remedy is handcrafted and bottled by Dr Iryna Kirichuk (MD) herself in her A-grade Certified Commercial area (highest Food Hygiene grade in New Zealand). Unlike most Propolis manufacturers Dr Kirichuk uses only traditional technology which allows hand-processing only and excludes any heating, frothing, water blasting, Ultra-Sound crashing, use of chemical solvents etc.

Contains 22 nutrients required for perfect health

Dr Kirichuk’s Traditional Propolis Extract is the only food additive on earth containing all 22 nutrients needed by the body for complete and perfect health. It contains over 16 different vitamins; it is rich in amino acids and trace elements; it also has a high content of valuable bioflavonoids – all in complete and natural balance.

Powerful Anti-inflammatory, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-viral and Anti-cancer properties

The bio-flavonoids in Propolis make it a superb anti-inflammatory. Flavonoids are a class of natural products of high pharmacological potency. For centuries, physicians have used preparations, which contain flavonoids as the principal physiologically active constituents, in attempts to treat human disease. Flavonoids are important antioxidants, and promote several health effects. Aside from antioxidant activity, these molecules provide the following beneficial effects: Anti-viral; Anti-cancer; Anti-inflammatory; and Anti-allergic.

Multi-functional cells’ regeneration action

Helps regenerate different types of bodily tissues and skin due to the multifunctional range of action of Propolis: Regenerating, Anaesthetising (local), Anti-inflammatory, Anti-bacterial, etc.

Can be used both externally and internally

For human health benefits Dr Kirichuk’s Traditional Propolis Extract can be used both internally and externally.


Use Dr Kirichuk’s Traditional Propolis Extract EXTERNALLY for:

  • Skin damage (cuts, burns, inflammations, etc.)
  • Fungal disease of skin and nails
  • Herpes
  • Insect bites
  • Prevention of dental cavities
  • Oral hygiene

External application method: Apply Dr Kirichuk’s Traditional Propolis Extract with a cotton bud directly on the effected surface 2-3times a day.

Please note that genuine Propolis extract always stains skin with brown colour. Such staining is not permanent, and can be easily removed the next day by wiping it off with ordinary Vodka.


Use Dr Kirichuk’s Traditional Propolis Extract INTERNALLY for:

  • Respiratory system support in winter period
  • Mitigation of chemotherapy drugs’ side effects during the cancer treatment
  • Reinforcement of healthy cells’ metabolism of and suppression of pathological cells’ activity
  • Digestive system support
  • Immunity boost

Internal application methods:

1st method: Mix 10-15 drops of Dr Kirichuk’s Traditional Propolis Extract with half or full tea spoon of honey, put in the mouth and keep for a little while, then swallow.

2nd method: Mix 10-15 drops of Dr Kirichuk’s Traditional Propolis Extract with 50-80ml of lukewarm milk, tea or water, and then drink the mixture.

WARNING: People who have allergic reactions to Propolis should seek medical advice before using this product.

Natural sediment may occur.

To purchase this amazing health product, please proceed to our online store by clicking here

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