The best collectable gift for Whisky lovers – Limited Edition


The very first release of the three types of NZ whisky in one gift set of three miniature bottles – traditional hip flasks of 100 ml each. The miniature set of three is packaged in a NZ made wooden gift box branded with the logo of Puhoi Organic Distillery. The set includes Manuka Honey Whisky, […]



Puhoi Organic Distillery offers unique customized miniature oak barrels filled with handcrafted bespoke spirits of the customer’s choice. The most popular barrel size is 5 litres. The barrels are treated by the Master Distiller both externally and internally with a special secret formula based on all-natural food grade ingredients. The barrels are refillable and can […]

Yes! We handcraft spirits for private labels.


The good news for all those who dream about their own private label spirits: Puhoi Organic Distillery welcomes customers’ orders for the handcrafted artisan Limited Edition boutique spirits. Our private label customers include such well established business names as Giraffe restaurant by Simon Gault, Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron, Puhoi Pub, KARVEN, etc. We are […]



麦卢卡蜂蜜是新西兰极富盛名的健康产品,以其天然的保健功能成为诸多健康产品的重要原料。 而闻名遐迩的苏格兰威士忌,也是世界公认的顶级威士忌酒。           在西方文化中,蜂蜜与威士忌是一种广为流传的经典组合,但市场也由此被一些低质产品所充斥,酒体浑浊、杂质悬浮都直接证明了从蜂蜜原料到原料酒工艺的粗糙。           因此,威士忌鉴赏家们通常自己选用威士忌和蜂蜜来调配个性化的威士忌蜜酒,这样的结果虽然品质有保证,但是后期加入的蜂蜜会降低酒精度,通常这样的蜜酒不会超过35°酒度,达不到理想的口感。           为了既保持高品质苏格兰威士忌的风味,亦能与麦卢卡蜜及其它保健植物提取物完美交融,我们历尽繁复的制作过程,在普霍伊有机酒庄和医学博士Iryna Kirichuk的协助下,荣誉推出纯天然手工麦卢卡蜂蜜威士忌。  麦卢卡蜂蜜威士忌的诞生,得到了Whisky Library所有者Tony McHugh的大力协助,Tony是诸多苏格兰威士忌的直接供应商,提供了优选的威士忌作为我们麦卢卡蜂蜜威士忌的基酒。           Kirichuk医学博士为产品提供了植物精华提取复合成分,帮助麦卢卡蜜在酒中保持其保健功效,我们也避免了溶解后的蜂蜜出现的浑浊现象。  最终的产品不负众望,保持了精品苏格兰高地威士忌的风格,口感更柔和,同时麦卢卡蜂蜜有机的融合其中,伴随着植物精华的芳纯,回味绵长,令人愉悦。在不添加任何焦糖色的情况下,呈现完美的琥珀色,酒体亦清澈透明。 更有诗意的描述,还是请大家观赏下面一段Don Kavanagh在2017奥克兰食品展上的介绍吧:

New Zealand Manuka Honey Whisky


New Zealand Manuka Honey is world famous for its healing properties, and is an important ingredient for a number of health-giving products. On the other hand, famous Scotch whisky is a recognized as the standard for genuine high-quality whisky worldwide. In Western culture Whisky&Honey home remedy is traditional and widely used. This historical tradition has […]

Food grade alcohol for Cake makers & Decorators


Puhoi Organic Distillery’s Food Grade Alcohol for Cake Makers & Decorators is an indispensable ingredient for creating metallic, shiny and sparkly edible paints for those special cakes. Puhoi Organic Distillery’s Food Grade Alcohol for Cake Makers & Decorators is odourless food-grade grain alcohol (ethanol) 95% ABV perfect for creating edible shiny and metallic paints in […]

Ginseng Spirit by Puhoi Organic Distillery

普霍伊有机酒由Iryna Kirichuk医生(医学博士)研发,以药用级酒加纯天然*适应原(adaptogen)精心调配而成。 *参见互动百科:适应原 Iryna Kirichuk医生毕业于乌克兰奥德萨国家医科大学,获得博士学位,1984年执业以来,从事过7年全职儿科、心脏科、风湿病科的专业研究,以其卓越的运动医学技术,为前苏联帆船运动队提供健康监护,并在期间开发出多种高技术含量的天然药物,为国家级优秀运动员增进健康并提高运动成绩。 Iryna Kirichuk博士采用多种新西兰本地有机植物提取精华,依靠多年的医学经验和独特实用的适应原应用经验,开发了系列健康功能饮品,利用适应原独特的“防御盾”功效,提高人体的免疫力。适应原神奇的魔力可以保持健康的平衡,提高体力、耐力并纾解压力,天然无毒,使身体平衡在最佳健康状态。 适应原Adaptogen的一些基本特性: 增加人体的抗压力,抗环境污染能力 增强整体的免疫力,而不是对某种疾病的免疫力 无毒性、无副作用 无成瘾性 调节身体机能,从而得到长期的改善而非短期治标不治本的传统药物疗法 Iryna Kirichuk博士是普霍伊有机酒庄产品配方的研制者,同时负责产品的质量控制。所有的配方都是基于长期的传统草药学和相关领域最新的医学研究。Iryna Kirichuk博士的配方主要取材于新西兰纯净的环境中培育的有机植物,和新西兰著名的麦卢卡蜂产品(蜂蜜、花粉、蜂胶、蜂花粉及蜂王浆),还有新西兰特产新鲜鹿茸,亦为一种强力的天然适应原。 根据传统草药学,适应原最佳的天然萃取工艺和保质方法都需要使用食品级酒精。普霍伊有机酒庄选用由新西兰本地优质葡萄酒精馏出的高度酒精,工艺成本高昂,但只有如此才能保证获得最优品质的高纯度药用酒(Lat. Spiritus Vini),之后再加入酒庄自有的深井水调配,水源经碳14检测为8000年以上极品水质。 Iryna Kirichuk博士的纯天然保健产品获得了客户的广泛好评,尤其是对草药有着广泛认知的亚洲客户更加推崇。产品中的红葡萄保健药酒,在广州举办的新西兰产品展上被评为新西兰最佳产品。这项产品的天然排毒功效为对健康担忧的都市人提供绝佳的健康防护。 Iryna Kirichuk博士现汇集全部的研究和医学经验,以新西兰本地有机林下山参为重要原料,隆重推出人参保健酒。新西兰人参最早由韩国专家引种高丽参,在新西兰雪山下的松林中进行零化学喷洒的有机培育,经过全世界最纯净的山水近15年养育,其有效成分含量均优于同类。   产品将于2017年8月正式推出,进一步咨询请联系: 普霍伊酒庄产品经理:Hanson Z Han 电话:+64 (0)27 6780999 微信:kiwi0276780999  

Winter Sale of Naturally Brewed Apple Cider Vinegar!!!

50% discounted Winter Sale of Natural Apple Cider Vinegar!!! Naturally brewed at the Puhoi Organic Distillery from high quality New Zealand apple cider. Unfiltered. High quality, with “mother”. Limited volume. Sold in bulk. Minimum quantity – 20 litres. Regular price: $4.60 per litre including GST Sale price: $2.30 per litre including GST The “add-to-cart” price of […]

Puhoi Starka’s recognition in Hong Kong


Life is full of surprises! Of course, we never doubted that Puhoi Starka will become a “star” among the craft spirits. It is not surprising that Hong Kong is one of the very first places to discover Puhoi Starka. The pleasant surprise for the Puhoi Organic Distillery team is in how poetically, and yet precisely, […]

Perfumers alcohol (ethanol): essential basic facts

perfumers-alcohol-ethanol-perfume-grade-alcohol-grape-alcohol-non-denaturated-cane-sugar-alcohol-undenaturated-perfumer's alcohol

The mankind uses fragrant substances from time immemorial, and nobody can tell when and where exactly this started. As far as alcohol use in perfumery is concerned, there are a few common versions about the start of using alcohol as a solvent, carrier and preservative of fragrance in liquid form. We do not wish to […]

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